Sunday, April 15, 2007

and all the children are above average

San Francisco, CA - A warm, slightly breezy, and sunny day. Time to pack

Today's my last day in SF for a long while. The last few days have been spent collecting supplies and tying up loose ends. Multiple trips to Clement St. have been made and I've amassed a pile of stuff in my apartment hallway, which will all get transferred to the Integra this afternoon.

Yesterday Diane threw the most awesome going away party for me. There were snacks. There was beer. There was wine. There were all sorts of grillable meats and delectable salads. (and lentils!) And some of my best friends to boot. Even Zack's cat Bao came over to see me off. Good kitty. (Reh!)

I was a little nervous at one point. I had built too large a pile of charcoal, and when the steaks started to get cooking, I had a small grease fire on my hands....watching all the chops, steaks, fillets, and patties completely engulfed in flames was difficult, and I feared everything would end up overdone and crispy. Thankfully everything turned out just right and everyone seemed pleased with the result.

The card tables were pulled out and we had a grand old time dining in the living room. Listening to Neil Young and Vetiver (, eating my favorite foods, sipping decanted wine, watching my friends gabbing and laughing, I was a little bemused and sad. The last few weeks in SF have been wonderful. I will miss it and all the lovely people I have in my circle. I have to remind myself that I'm about to embark on a true adventure. Its the kind of trip I may never be able to do again.

And it will be amazing.

Ahem, so after dinner we walked down to O'Keeffe's (, the nearest bar to our place. Annie and Tim's is an Irish divebar, ranking about a 9 on the divey-scale. Its basically
Annie and Tim's garage, converted into a bar which offers nothing
on tap. We had a swell time playing pool, darts, and various card games. Good times, good times.
Now, after a couple cups of coffee, I'm ready for the rest of the day. I'll start with a run down to the beach and back (making sure to wave at the buffalo). Then I'll gather some last minute supplies and pack the car up.

Before the crack of dawn tomorrow,
I'll be speeding eastward over the
Bay Bridge, Yosemite-bound. Here we go.

More soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky me. I am looking at music on myspace & browsed your profile & now I get see your adventure. YEAH! Go you.

Will you be moving? Looking to go to Maine & have babies? I remember you said if u wanted children, u would have them in Maine to be near your family...tangent.

Anyways, you are a rockstar, it was fun knowing you especially that time when you sat like two inches from me w/ a box of toxic peanuts, J/K!!!& here is a different rockstar that I just discovered. Check it out, I think I may be in love. Maybe you can play it on the road.

Also, check out the Avengers, guess their old but I never knew.

Wow! You know I came out here from FL in a VW bus right? MANY adventures and even friends that stayed in toch & came to CAL. You will have a blast. Are u with anyone other than your comrades from the road?

When your bored check out the "Bad Girls Guide to the Road". For girls (duh!) but boys can do it too & there's even a fun sticker you can put on your car so other's know your a "road sister". You could wear a wig and confuse people! Just a fun thang.

Met a guy on Fri nite whom suggested this band. I think they could be good. Not totally decisive yet like I am about Penelope. Let me know what you think. Blue Turtle Seduction.

and I like Regina Spector, live

Hey if your keeping in touch w/ folks, here's one of my email's:

I'm going to try to call you know.